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Beatriz Redondo Tejedor


Beatriz Redondo Tejedor

Beatriz Redondo Tejedor is the Sr. Manager of Brand and Content Marketing at Sinch Email. She is our content marketing leader, resident Ravenclaw, and strategy developer for our growing global content team and brands. She writes about the ins and outs of email, and the cultural and business impact of developing policies.

Latest stories by Beatriz Redondo Tejedor

Hermes and a Goddess look at a screen

66+ email subject lines that beg to be opened

We all know how important headlines are in advertising copy, right? Well, subject lines are like the headlines for your emails; the gateway to your campaign. This means the ability to consistently write effective subject lines will result in higher open rates and more...

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Hermes on a rocket flying over a New Year’s celebration with fireworks

Email marketing trends to supercharge your email program in 2024

Another year, another set of predictions of what the world of email marketing will hold over the next twelve months. After a period of major technological advancements and looming threats to humanity in the form of crazy AI developments, what will 2024 hold for email...

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Greek god and goddesses by a laptop

Breaking down a DMARC record: What it is and how it looks like

DMARC authentication is hard – we know it. For many email senders, the technical complexities of DMARC are just enough of a headache to put it off until it becomes an absolute must in the world of email. Well, that time has come. Gmail and Yahoo have...

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Gods with shopping bags

Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2023: Unleashing the power of email

The holiday season is like a grand stage for email senders, and nothing steals the spotlight quite like the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend. Shopping is on the rise in 2023 and overall spend is expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels during Q4. And while many...

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Hermes delivers a letter to Hera

Gmail Promotions tab: A guide to optimize email delivery

The Gmail Promotions tab’s hot debut in 2013 caused mixed reactions. Some marketing pundits predicted that it marked the end of email marketing as we know it. Others were less dramatic and just stated that it would have a negative impact on the opens and clicks of...

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Greek god and goddess outside a cafe

Relationship marketing: The path to stable revenue growth

You’ve probably heard the saying: “It’s easier to keep a customer than to get a new one.” And while it may sound obvious, many companies still aren’t using relationship marketing strategies to build customer loyalty. But they should be. Relationship marketing is a...

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Hermes creating grafic in front of the red mailbox

Introducing Mailjet's new webinar series: Email Academy

We know what you’re thinking – building a highly performant email marketing strategy can seem tough. At Sinch Mailjet, though, we believe it doesn’t have to be, and we’re constantly committed to producing content that will help demystify the world of email...

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A Greek god and goddess standing by a beach house

Why a consistent email cadence matters

With summer coming, it can be tempting to slack off on your email marketing. Maybe you wonder if your customers check their inbox as much during the summer. With more vacations, a few major holidays, and a general feeling of increased leisure, you may be...

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Hermes and Hera with boxes and sparkling stars

How omnichannel marketing can enhance your digital strategy

Let's do a quick activity. Try to remember all the times you've used the internet today. Every Google search, every email you've sent and received, every time you pulled up Instagram or scrolled your Facebook or Twitter feed. We’re guessing it's a lot. And most...

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Hermes with a picture and Hera with a brush

Email file sizes: How big is too big?

Bigger isn’t always better for email marketers – especially when it comes to email file sizes. Trying to stuff large images or send big HTML files can hurt your email engagement and deliverability. So how big is too big for email file sizes? Is it time you put your email...

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Hermes on a moped delivering mail to a mailbox

Single vs. double opt-in: Which one should you use?

If you’ve been using single opt-ins for a while, the idea of double opt-ins may seem a little daunting. You’re effectively doubling the number of steps a user takes before their added to your lists. And this can be a little scary for most email marketers whose KPIs are...

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Hermes studies data and trends

How to grow your email list: 20 simple ideas

Have you ever experienced the bitter sensation of spending hours preparing an email campaign, only to see some of your readers unsubscribe? A disappointment like this can only be compared with doing the best exam of your life at school only for the teacher to...

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