Mailjet and Trello
Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible and rewarding way. If you're using Trello to keep track of your contacts, this integration will help you stay in touch with them by automatically adding them to your email lists.
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Trello lets you work more collaboratively and get more done. Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible and rewarding way. When you are using Trello for contact tracing, now you can enjoy the power of automation by turning them into your Mailjet subscriber via Zapier.
Zapier - Zapier is an iPaaS provider that allows non-technical users to create connections between web apps using a simple interface. You will benefit from one of the largest app ecosystems, including over 500+ web apps to connect to, including Mailjet.
You can customize this integration with Triggers and Actions, including:
New ParsÂe API InboÂund EmaiÂl – when a new emaiÂl is sent to your MailÂjet ParsÂe API emaiÂl addrÂess.
UnsuÂbscribe ContÂact From MailÂjet List – unsuÂbscribes a ContÂact from a specÂific ContÂact List in your MailÂjet accoÂunt.
New EmaiÂl EvenÂt – when an evenÂt occuÂrs with a MailÂjet contÂact (emaÂil sentÂ, openÂed, clicÂked, bounÂced, spamÂ, blocÂked)
Send PlaiÂn Text EmaiÂl – send an emaiÂl throÂugh your MailÂjet accoÂunt with plaiÂn text contÂent.
New SubsÂcribe – when a contÂact subsÂcribes in a MailÂjet contÂact listÂ
SubsÂcribe ContÂact to MailÂjet List – adds a new ContÂact to your MailÂjet accoÂunt and subsÂcribes it to a specÂific ContÂact ListÂ
New UnsuÂbscribe – when a user unsuÂbscribes from a certÂain MailÂjet contÂacts listÂ.
UpdaÂte ContÂact PropÂerties – updaÂte in real time the ContÂact PropÂerties of a ContÂact in your MailÂjet accoÂunt
New LabeÂl AddeÂd to Card – in TrelÂlo
Send EmaiÂl UsinÂg a MailÂjet TempÂlate – send an emaiÂl throÂugh your MailÂjet accoÂunt usinÂg saveÂd MailÂjet emaiÂl tempÂlate.
Card MoveÂd to List – in TrelÂlo
Send HTML EmaiÂl – send an emaiÂl throÂugh your MailÂjet accoÂunt with HTML contÂent
Card UpdaÂted – in TrelÂlo
Send an EmaiÂl CampÂaign to a List– send an emaiÂl campÂaign throÂugh your MailÂjet accoÂunt to a full contÂact listÂ
New NotiÂfication – in TrelÂlo
CreaÂte CommÂent – in TrelÂlo
New Card – in TrelÂlo
Add MembÂers to Card – in TrelÂlo
New LabeÂl – in TrelÂlo
DeleÂte ChecÂklist in Card – in TrelÂlo
New MembÂer on Card – in TrelÂlo
Add AttaÂchment to Card – in TrelÂlo
New BoarÂd – in TrelÂlo
CompÂlete ChecÂklist Item in Card – in TrelÂlo
New ActiÂvity – in TrelÂlo
Add ChecÂklist to Card – in TrelÂlo
New ChecÂklist – in TrelÂlo
Copy BoarÂd – in TrelÂlo
New CommÂent in Card – in TrelÂlo
CreaÂte List – in TrelÂlo
Card ArchÂived – in TrelÂlo
UpdaÂte Card – in TrelÂlo
New List – in TrelÂlo
ClosÂe BoarÂd – in TrelÂlo
CreaÂte LabeÂl – in TrelÂlo
Move Card to List – in TrelÂlo
Add LabeÂl to Card – in TrelÂlo
CreaÂte BoarÂd – in TrelÂlo
RemoÂve LabeÂl from Card – in TrelÂlo
CreaÂte ChecÂklist Item in Card – in TrelÂlo
CreaÂte Card – in TrelÂlo
ArchÂive Card – in TrelÂlo
Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailjet is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.
Connect Mailjet to Trello without any programming skills. Enjoy the benefits of workflow automation:
Step 1: Connect your Mailjet and Trello accounts in Zapier.
Step 2: Create the Mailjet & Trello integration in minutes: simply choose your preferred Triggers from Mailjet and Actions from Trello, or vice versa.
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Mailjet and Translation Exchange
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Mailjet and Typeform