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Email solution for agencies

Mailjet’s flexible platform makes it easy for agencies to run email campaigns for their clients with our intuitive email builder, sub-account management, and dedicated team of Technical Account Managers.

Manage all your clients in one place

Maintain full control over your client’s email program by creating separate sub-accounts for each of your customers to easily manage their campaigns, templates, contacts, and statistics. Monitor the performance of their emails in real-time, use webhooks to send statistics to your team and clients, and easily integrate into your own tools and dashboards.

Mailjet's user permissions feature allows for cohesive design.
Mailgun's email editor and collaboration feature allowing for an agile design process.

Create beautiful emails as a team

Mailjet’s collaborative email editor allows you and your clients to work together in real time to create beautiful, responsive emails. Mailjet offers a full set of features optimized for your email marketing agency, including section locking to control which users can edit which content, Inbox Preview to see exactly how your email appears to your clients’ contacts, and many more tools.

Offer your own email marketing platform

Mailjet’s fully customizable white label email marketing solution allows you to easily offer a custom-branded email builder, contact database, template management, and sending infrastructure right in your product and service.

Options from Mailjet's email editor to create tailored emails, suited to your needs.

Technical Account Managers dedicated to agencies

Email marketing agencies that send out more than 900,000 emails/month get daily, customized support with our team of agency experts. From auditing your clients' email practices, dedicated onboarding, and training, deliverability support, to integration with our API – our Technical Account Managers will work with your team to achieve your clients' email goals.

Illustration of a customer support representative.
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Onboarding and integration

Benefit from personalized onboarding that fits your needs, and start using Mailjet like an expert.

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    IP warmup

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    Configuration of sub-accounts

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    Setup of sending domains

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Mailjet offers training to make your email activity a success.

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    Deliverability: land in the inbox

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    Advanced email marketing

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Daily support

Get the support of a dedicated Technical Account Manager who knows your account, your customers, and your issues inside out.

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    Regular phone calls to track each sub-account’s activity

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    Daily deliverability reporting


“We have chosen Mailjet for several years now for its commercial flexibility and deliverability quality. We chose Mailjet for its user interfaces and its support in 4 languages for our customers. Moreover, Mailjet’s rapid GDPR compliance confirms our choice. Finally, the evolutions of services proposed for the campaigns and the transactional make it possible to follow the major trends of the affinity email as well as the opening of the services to external tools (via API). In short, Mailjet: an indispensable service today in the implementation of digital strategies.”


Kevin Gallot

CEO, Inflexia - Inflexia

Mailjet offers custom solutions adapted to each agency, with a dedicated Technical Account Manager, white label capabilities, and more.

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